
Friday, 20 November 2015

Nothing To Lose

"As I stared through that window into the scream-filled air, I could feel the grip of death nearing. I only felt the meaning of what the doctor had just said to me. With every passing second I knew death was crawling slowly like a lion ready to pounce on its catch. "You have pancreas cancer! Go home and put your things in order!" The words kept coming back like a bolt of lightning upon my body. With the coming of each cough I could feel the cancer squeezing life out of me. But this moment wasn't just about death, it taught me lessons.  You have nothing to lose, you are already naked." This is what I imagine Steve Jobs must have been thinking when he received his cancer test results.

You don't get out of life alive. Do all you got to do within the life span that you get. You have just this one and only one chance to be alive. Stop self pity. You are already naked. You keep postponing life each time claiming to protect the delicacy of life. You keep fearing to go ahead and tackle that giant ahead of you. Come on, there ain't no part two in life. You get only one hit and then it's over. you get to show what you got inside you only once, why not do it. Yes, you claim you want to be the best teacher in your life, but you keep on listening to those voices that turn you down. You keep acting like the giver of life owes you an extra life chance for you to live. Please, life is a one time event. Once it's done, you will never hit back. Do all you gotta do now. You are way more than capable to win. Go tackle it. You can make it.
Go do the accounts and you will win. Go once and do it.
Stop procrastinating in life. You have nothing to lose in life. You are the one who has to do this. Don't burn up your life on some time wasting events which will leave you in tears rather than on a greater height. Wipe away the tears. The world is yours. You make the rules of your life. In the words of Caroline Mutoko, "Life is a choice, not chance." Fight! Fight! Fight! Go for your goals and achieve them.

What is the other option if you do it? FAILURE and utter regrets of why you never did it in life. Stop procrastinating. Go ahead and change your destiny. The events that happen in life happen because you will always be in a race to catch the next opportunity before your time is up. Stop thinking about waiting till the conditions will be right for you to do it. Just do it. You have nothing to lose. You can't get out of life alive. Get in the game once more and pounce on your dreams. It's not too late. It's just the right time to be on the hunt for that dream.
Is it family relationships you wanna build, it's not late. Go for it. Your family can not afford another night in the night of tears about you. Is it that business? Your clients can't afford to go for another option. you are the best and there is no replacement for the best. Is it your school work. You can't keep on lying to yourself that you will become an accountant simply because someone said that is what they feel you have to. Go for that programming. You are already naked. You have nothing to lose. If you take that path that you are forced by circumstances to take, you may never turn back. Please pursue your passion for serving in the alter of God like your life depends on it. Don't worry about those others claiming you burnt up your Computer Science degree. They don't matter. You are the end person to make that call. Go pursue your dreams. You are just in the right plan.
You have nothing to lose if you pursue your dreams. But you lose you if you pursue what others feel you should yet you don't feel it's in you. Go for that thing that even if you were to come back to life you would still pursue it. Now, that's living life.

Dedicated to my friend, brother, accountability partner and most of all, mentor,
Emmanuel Muuo, Hillsongs, Sidney, Australia.

1 comment:

  1. Very inspiring..we only live once..we do it..just once and for all..big up Codeset


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