
Thursday, 5 March 2015

The World Ain't No Place For Cowards

A couple of days ago I was watching a documentary on one of the world's most influential figures. Aaron Swartz, popularly known as The Internet's Own Boy, was all just passionate about change from the very moment he was born. He questioned why things had to be done just one way and not the other. From a very tender age, he was introduced to computers and coding. With so much zeal combined from inside, he shot up like a mushroom in a land plenty of water. Imagine a 14year old was the one behind all the RSS feeds you get? Yeah! That was Aaron Swartz. He believed that the world's knowledge was supposed to be free information. And soon, he found himself brushing shoulders with the government because he was just simply releasing information to the world and making it free. Long story short, he passed on at the age of 26. He died for what he believed in. He died in the line of duty. It's said that he committed suicide, Did He lose or had he just concluded what he believed in?
His story much speaks to us. Are you so passionate about what you are doing that you would bet your whole life to committing to it? People who are ready to die for what they believe in. What's in your mind? Is it that dream? Is it the perfect work you wish that one day it will be published? Is it the perfect job you are wondering how it's ever going to get in the lime-light? Don't you ever give up on that dream. Every other big thing was once formed in someone's mind. No one ever thought that a university drop out could ever make a big brand like Apple. No one ever imagined that a Harvard dropout could make the OS that runs the entire computer world. No one ever thought that a school expulsion is all Mark needed to create this big room called FaceBook, Virgin Atlantic, WikiPedia, WikiLeaks, talk about it all, it all passed through a period of total inability. When dreams seemed impossible. And then one morning things changed. Believe it and live it.


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