
Monday, 25 May 2015

Touch A Life To Touch A Destiny

"Learn to be humble." grand ma always taught me. I do not really recall every part of the life with her, but I really miss what she always taught me. Some of the words we are taught by those that went ahead of us are not just words of encouragement, but they are a blessing. Those people chose to speak grace and sufficiency to our lives and that is why we are here. I was reviewing what grandma always said to me, and really, It is a blessing she spoke to me.
As a leader, and everyone is a leader in their own way, you must always learn to say positive things to those people who look up to you. If you will always be trying to make them feel inferior, trying to push them down, you will never see growth. imagine if you said that you made someone be what they are today by just saying a few encouragement words? It doesn't require you to be a billionare to invest in someone's idea. I am glad for the people that invested in me in my young life. They all believed that I was worth something more than just the young age I had.
If we invest in our children, if we invest in the little brothers that has brought into our lives, we shall receive abundant blessings in our lives. our investments shall never lack good connections. Our lives shall never lack the great investors we most need in our lives. Each one of us is blessed in their own way, make it one of your dreams to invest in the future. One of my great dreams is to erradicate unemployment among the youths especially from everywhere I will be in by at least 25% by the year 2020. Make it your vision to touch a life. Touch A Life To Touch A Destiny.

Don't forget to download our latest updated version of the Codeset Inspiration app here

Wednesday, 20 May 2015


A rewind into the past of one very great personality that ever lived in our days. I am talking about the late Myles Monroe. In one of his tours to Kenya, He said, LIVE FULL, DIE EMPTY. The grave is the richest place. It is a place where great dreams were buried. It is the place where great writers who could have transformed this world had they given it all they had, but they died as drunkards. It is the place where the best fashion designers were buried as prostitutes, it is the place where great activists were buried as glue sniffers, it is the place where business ideas that we were never exposed to were buried. It is the place where great music that we never heard was buried, it is the place where great genius were buried, it is the place that robbed the world the world of the best things that we ever expected.
I want you to say like that great man on the cross, IT IS FINISHED. Exploit everything that is gifted in you. If it is music that you showed up to do, do the best records ever. If it is a book you showed up here to write, you have only written one, we are waiting for the 5 books in you. Get out there and give to this society. If it is technology that you showed up here to give to society, we are waiting for something bigger than Facebook.
Isn't it fun to just transform the old cycle that the world has been used to? Get into the race and exploit everything in you. No one will. Just you. Get out all that is in you. And when you are done with your few days here on earth, come to rest in that grave, and tell it you are different. You aint the same as those it picked before.
Surprise the grave by coming in empty. LIVE FULL,DIE EMPTY

Tuesday, 19 May 2015


Sometimes we just sit and imagine, when we hear what is happening in the news, terror attacks, Bank robberies, hacks and everything. What happens when a newly wed couple lose their only child? What happens when a young entreprenuer watches his newly introduced business goes up in flames? What happens when a widow stands on a fresh grave as she puts soil on the grave of her husband and only son? What happens when an innocent man accused of rape is sentenced for a lifetime jail? What happens when a tycoon watches desperately as his petrol station is razed by the hungry flames of fire. You sometimes don't know what will be the next thing of yourself? Because you have lost everything?

I believe this thing called life is one day at a time. We can not reverse what has already happened. We can't take back what we have lost into what we want. We ought to deal with the fact that it doesn't matter how much we have lost, we can begin again. We can start all over again and make our new us through patience, persistence and perseverance. Come to think of losses as nice shower that you take after a long day at work. Yeah! That is what am talking about. Even when u have lost, juz wake up from the tears and loss and say, Here I Am today, I showed up today at the workplace called life, there must be work to do right here. And Like Les Brown says, When life knocks you down, try to land on your back. Because if you can look up, you can get up.
Grab a copy of my wonderful book Advancing Beyond Your Wishes as I teach you how to step out and reach for your Destiny.

Saturday, 16 May 2015


What a time spent creating this great app with the best team ever in SoftGenesis Industries. They actually created an app that will motivate you on the go. Here is it. Get it.…/903526913…/_CODESETINSPIRATION.apk…

Great work by the great team at SoftGenesis Industries. Titus, President you are doing a great job.


New day to reach out to your greatness a bit higher. I remember this question that this great speaker asked me, If you had to live your entire life like you are, would you be proud of it? Would you be happy about it? And off it challenged me to advance, be hungry, be ready for this thing. To  commit my very being to this calling and course of greatness. And that is how my life changed. i remember back then I felt inferior to people who had things I didn't have. I got out of my comfort zone. I spent hours in my dream. I remember some nights going without sleep seated in front of my laptop. It was all I had. I appeared stupid, and very mad to stay up all night with a lecture at 7:00am in the morning. They woke up and laughed, "Man u may be taking IT but young man you are mad." i felt humiliated. My company was dying. I had made a loss on all the assets in the industry. With the little I had remaining i tried to bring it back to life. But hell no. The little I bought blew up in 2 weeks' time. I said "Why God? Am not trying to steal from anybody, am not conning anyone, am not robbing a bank, why is this happening to me?" And sitting there in the pool of tears, that one last hope I had died when I lost the only thing I had left that I cared for, My Education Pattern. I was pushed back one year. And it took something from me that really woke me up from my comfort zone.

Sometimes you could count on people to help you accomplish your dream and they fail to show up on the big day. They fail to send you that capital you wanted. you count on some people to deliver results only to be met with surprise of failure at your desk the next morning. You could give it all you could and things don't just work out. Men I tell you it's hard to contemplate who to count on at such a time. Who to turn your tears to when you get tested with cancer, who to cry on when you realise you made a mistake in your life, who to tell the bad news of being HIV +ve, It's had to contemplate who is there for you when all your family dies in one tragic day. It's hard. It's hard.

But sometimes life has got to surprise you with disappointment for it to remind you you don't live forever. Live now. Live full, die empty. Sometimes life has got to take away from you something that you held so dear to your life for it to challenge you to live and stop rehearsing. For a long time I lived life like a coward. I hated competition. I hated innovation. I was being a copy cat. Until that day i lost everything. It woke me up from my sleep. I learned that in life, things don't last forever except those treasures we keep high up in heaven. I learned that these clothes I wear will tomorrow be rugs, why not dive into the rough game. I learned that the little coins I was earning would very easily get robbed from a bank, why not risk them in my business. The little hate I had for people who did bad things to me, tomorrow it would give me B.P, Why not forgive, does it make me any lesser? The little fears I kept for my business getting out there and handling heavy commercial jobs, what had that fear earned me except some devastating losses of a whole D.C.C, why not give it all I can and call it, Diamond Empire?

What is it you fear to lose? Today people shall talk about how you lost and soon they can't even recollect what really happened to you. Get off that relationship that is pulling you down, get off that job that is procrastinating your greatness, get off that comfort zone that is destroying your sense of innovation. Trust me, If you don't invest in your dream, Someone is gonna hire you to invest in their dream.

Today remember this, LIVE FULL, DIE EMPTY.

Get your book of the campaign ADVANCING BEYOND YOUR WISHES.

Don't also forget to get your app of the CODESET INSPIRATION FORUM blog and get motivated on the go here >>>…/903526913…/_CODESETINSPIRATION.apk…

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Ni Leo SI Kesho

Lini utafanikisha ndoto zako? Lini utakamilisha mipango yako? Wake up. Time is running out. Every second u live is bringing u closer to ur grave yet u r proudly procrastinating ukidai ety tukwache ujibambe, ety sjui waogopa kuonekana bad boy ukiendea ndoto zako, ety waogopa kuonekana maringo usiporeply txt juu ya ndoto zako, ety waogopa kupoteza surport ya familia ukiwaambia ndoto zako? Wake uppppppppppp!
there is no extra time in this game. Yeah! One match, no half time, no penalty time, no nothing. Just the time u got and then kaboom, it's gone. We come na tulie sana kwa mazishi yako. Ety ulikua mzuri hukusumbua watu na ndoto zako, ety hukusumbua watu na mawazo yako, ety hukusumbua watu ukifikiria about kugeuza mpangilio ulowekwa wa familia yenu. Haha! What a nice but very SAD eulogy.
you got no extra time. It's either you are there at the right time or not. Rise to the occasion of life. Once u r gone no one will remember how many failures u got before u won in the match of life. But ur success shall forever remain as a strong evidence that at one time in the history of humanity, you came this way.

Tuesday, 5 May 2015


Someone once said that, those who look at me sometimes think that I earned my success overnight, yet what they don't know is that I worked for this success for 25years. The truth of this statement is nothing less than the life of one, Caleb Mwangagi Ndiku. His journey to success was one crowded with all sorts of difficulty. But one thing that made him stand out from the crowd was his way to endure. Not just the pain. But Dogma. Dogma is living according to other people's thoughts. Caleb would wake up so early and run for a distance close to 50km then rush to school. All in pursuit of his talent. People laughed, mocked, and discouraged him. No one has ever made it big in our tribe, no one has ever been a great athlete from our family lineage, you can't make it in the track. All these this "Bufallo" met. He refused to listen to their crap. He sweat for it, he fret for it, he toiled to win that gold. He was so passionate about his dream. Today His story is one of its kind.
If you want to succeed you got to be a no matter what person. If you live with what other people think will happen in your life you will never get winning. You got to give a deaf ear to their "good" advice. They will tell you to love security. Security of job, not to risk, not to go out of your way to achieve. Don't listen. Winners don't do that. Yes, the world sees Crazy people in them, We See Genius. We see people who have known what is life. People who have embraced life and have decided to live it. Don't tell your dreams to people who are no where close to your vision. They will discourage you and want you to live according to their standards. Don't let Dogma drive your dreams.


A lot of times, most of us grew being told what we could do and what we couldn't do. We were subject to a society that generally views the possibility of one event based on what has ever existed in the past. But they forget that every single child that is brought to this world has their lives defined differently.
You got to get out there and define your life. If you wait for your parents to define your destiny, they may be so ancient in their thinking that they have no clue about your dream. Go get it your own way.

Don't forget to get your copy of the book, Advancing Beyond Your Wishes