A similar case applies to our day to day lives. We must always remember that in life its not about how much experience you have in it, or how much you can stand the stench of life not going your way, no. It's about you. It's how much you are ready to fight to earn and win what you believe in. Most people walk throughout the cause of life whining and whining about how much life didn't go their way. They are called the attention seekers. They beg to be listened to. The beg beg beg and beg all their lives. Too many love begging. At the end of the day they realise that no matter how much they have complained and complained, nothing has changed to their favor, rather, it has turned against them.
Nothing will ever change in your life unless you have the tenacity to overcome the giant called you. Everyone of us has a worry in their lives, but you know what, life isn't about how much you worry for yourself. It's about how much you are ready to fight. Fight to win in the race. Fight to get to your goals. Fight to win the big giant called you. Their is no one who will do it for you, no, ITS YOU. Go out and fight. Stop telling your friends about what was not given to you in the last 5 years, wake up and get it. Stop complaining about what you can't do, wake up and invent it. No one will do it for you. It's just you. Winners are people who are ready to fight. Winners never bow down to failure. They fail, wake up and face life right onto the face and then some day, success comes their way. Strain, Fight For It.