
Thursday, 26 February 2015

Fight For It

For the lovers of football, its no new thing to say that, in the field there is no master of the game. Only a smart player earns himself a big name. Some wonder how this is possible as there are some people you will always be sure they will get the ball. And once they have it, then take one more gulp of your drink as you prepare to celebrate the next goal.
A similar case applies to our day to day lives. We must always remember that in life its not about how much experience you have in it, or how much you can stand the stench of life not going your way, no. It's about you. It's how much you are ready to fight to earn and win what you believe in. Most people walk throughout the cause of life whining and whining about how much life didn't go their way. They are called the attention seekers. They beg to  be listened to. The beg beg beg and beg all their lives. Too many love begging. At the end of the day they realise that no matter how much they have complained and complained, nothing has changed to their favor, rather, it has turned against them.
Nothing will ever change in your life unless you have the tenacity to overcome the giant called you. Everyone of us has a worry in their lives, but you know what, life isn't about how much you worry for yourself. It's about how much you are ready to fight. Fight to win in the race. Fight to get to your goals. Fight to win the big giant called you. Their is no one who will do it for you, no, ITS YOU. Go out and fight. Stop telling your friends about what was not given to you in the last 5 years, wake up and get it. Stop complaining about what you can't do, wake up and invent it. No one will do it for you. It's just you. Winners are people who are ready to fight. Winners never bow down to failure. They fail, wake up and face life right onto the face and then some day, success comes their way. Strain, Fight For It.

Monday, 23 February 2015


Anyone who has ever done coding on a computer will agree with me that there is usually one big prayer in your mind as you are about to run any program. “LET IT BE”. And then your mind starts racing as you see the percentage on the compiler run from 0% to 100%. The worst thing is for the program to crush at 99%. You feel so disappointed that you have to go back to the drawing board and debug any errors that have occurred on your program. Sorry for the non-programmers. But for your sake; just imagine you are downloading a certain music that you heard over the radio, of the musician that you fancy most about, then the download just stops at 95%, and you are pretty sure if it has to resume, it all begins at 0%. I think you are getting the frustration am talking about. But have you ever realized that it’s not about the starting over that irritates most, but the patience of having to wait for another 20minutes? Yet we are sure that if we do not get the courage to wait that long we shall never get anywhere.
Our lives are just like that program or download you are trying to see it walk your way. We all begin somewhere. When we decide to define our lives from the stinking poverty and make it count on ourselves. Then we begin the long journey which we never know when it’s gonna turn to our favor. But due to hope, we just try our best each single day. Sometimes when we have worked just so hard. When we have hustled so hard to brighten our future. When we have gone hungry for the sake of our that enterprise, when we have done all we thought could make us get to the answer of our destinies. When you have spent sleepless nights on that seat trying to figure out which code will work for your software. Then one morning you wake up to a dark surprise. You wake up and find out that the empire you spent the better part of your life building has been razed to the ground, and only some smoke coming out of what used to  be your empire can make you count the loses. More often than not we just wish we never began it all for it is to us like a nightmare. When if we gave up, everyone would understand. Then we become the reference of failure of ideas in the society. It’s human. But buddy, Don’t you ever give up on that idea you have in your mind. It’s all you got, don’t give it away in despair. Just smile and say that maybe that wasn’t your day. Begin again and anew. There is great value in disaster, thank God all our mistakes are burnt down. Let’s not give away to the lies of this world that so and so never made it.  Tell the world you aren’t so and so. You are a new breed.  Even if the download isn’t complete, at least you tried. Start downloading anew. Maybe it won’t work again and again. But don’t give up. Say you can make it. Say you are going to beat the giant. Just stay calm. The DOWNLOAD COMPLETE MESSAGE will display soon.

Tuesday, 17 February 2015


Put yourself and your best in what you do and change your world. Remember there is no extra time, so whatever you do do it your best in the first time. Success is waiting for the man waiting for the man who says yes to success. Success is waiting for The man who plans for it, who reaches out for it. Who says I will wake up and he wakes, who says I wil read this book and he reads it, who says I will go to school and he goes. Success is waiting for the man who makes a decision. So time is important. Time is important. Don't ur time watching television 24hours a day, don't spent your time watching video 24hours a day. Those that you are watching have put their best into what you are watching. Switch the position. Say I will be watched.
There are certain things that you must do to realize that success you wish. There are certain things in life that are limited. One of them is time. Save time. Save it. Keep track of your time. The bible says
.... For also redeem time, for the days are evil...
You don't have extra time, life is not a game. Therefore make each day of your life count. Some of you are the best writers in this world, but where are your writings? Maybe you are sleeping too much, maybe you are playing too much. Its time to wake up. Its time to put your best into that writing. Let the world read your writings. Improve urself everyday, choose to be a success. Introduce something into your life that counts. Become inspiring, be an excellence. If you are a musician, put your best into that writing. Choose to be a success. Choose to be an excellence. Success is waiting.


Saturday, 14 February 2015


Valentines day is all vibrant and joyful. Everyone of us usually at the top of their voices telling their loved ones how much they love them. This day is just so beautiful with red all over. Joy and merry with those we love. But today I want us to change it, to SUPREME LOVE.
Supreme love is about loving each single morning, each day when you live, just call and say I LOVE YOU.
We don't live forever, everyday is the best day to show love. Give love to all. You never know that person may never see the next valentines day, so each day remind them how you love them.


Blessed Valentines team CODESET INSPIRATION. I love you All.

Friday, 13 February 2015



Ever wondered why it was you who was born  and not some other kid? Ever wondered why the things that happen to you happen the way they do? Yes, often times when we are afflicted by struggles and pain we question the events that are in our lives. We sometimes feel like its the end of the world to us. Early pregnancies, Becoming a teen father, becoming a school drop out at a tender age. Why do bad things happen to good people? So much, our hearts have to meet as we walk the path of life. The weak ones end up committing suicides. And of their story of living is stopped from living. And end!.
But thank God that you are still here to enjoy the Valentine(2015). You are not a mistake that you are here. it's not a mistake that you have been born in to a generation of don't cares. You have been born to bring care in there. You have been born to release joy in the world. In the words of Martin Lurther King.
Darkness can only be chase away by light not darkness,
Hatred can not be erased by hatred, it is eliminated by LOVE.
This valentine know how important you are. You are a great nugget living on the surface of planet earth. You are not a mistake in this world. Doesn't matter how many people have walked away from you life, you are important to someone. You are a great gift in someones life. YOU ARE NOT A MISTAKE.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Kindness Isn't Just A Gift, It's An Opportunities Unlocker

In the history of the music industry, it's unarguably true that the Gospel sector has grown at an alarming rate in the past few years. An industry that was in the past deemed as just a space for the old goons that are bored with life. Then came the eye opener when the likes of Daddy Owen and his brother Rufftone did record the "contemporary music" that was about the heavenly Kingdom. No need to say, that one moment bore the fruits of the likes of Willy Paul and Bahati today. But one thing that amazes me about this industry is the characters that come to the scene each single year. Each time everyone of us is waiting for the latest hit from these guys. No wonder even the clubs are now playing their music. But did you ever wonder what made this industry grow? KINDNESS! When the secular world out there is busy writing diss lyrics and waging wars, these  guys on the beautiful kingdom are busy looking for the greatest collabo.

Kindness isn't something you give to people then it's gone away, no, its something deep within. It can never be taken from you. You are the only one who can choose when to use it. But amazingly, whenever we show an act of kindness to anyone, it gives them more desire to want to spend time with us. Then out of the dark moments, the suffering together, emerges opportunity. Bahati was made by Mr.Seed. I am pretty sure(ofcourse as a die-hard fan of his) that he gives gratitude to his mentor for that. He was showed kindness, I hope he too will give back at least. Kindness isnt a weakness, it's a breakthough point.

The First Born Child's Plight

Throughout my journey of life I meet faces,
Faces of despair, guilt and full of tears,
Faces that are strange to the realities of life.
Yet life forgets the one child that it plans to teach the hard way,
A child who bears the shame and experience of learning from the school of life,
Yeah! This is for my firstborns out there who never had the chance to say it all.
The kid who had to learn how to live with another kid from I don’t know where in the name of brother,
The child who had to learn the manners of life from the cane,
The child who was never listened to for being thought inexperienced,
The child who didn’t have bigger brothers or sisters to go to after completing school,
The child who had to hustle and bustle through thick and thin to build the first house,
The child who had to bear the humiliation of a prophet who is not accepted at his home town,
That kid who was always sitted at the corner of the class thinking of where to get a meal for the siblings,
The girl who ended up selling herself to earn at least to take her sick mom to hospital,
For the guy who ended up in the hands of conmen in dire desire for a future for the siblings,
For the child who hardly slept in great prayers for this noisy poverty,
For them that ended up making the wrong choices of making cash for the sake of their family,
For them that got first hand discouragement from society for starting a business,
For them that never had anyone ahead to help them fly like an eagle,
For them that learnt that life was a Do-It-Yourself project,
For them that were called “Over-Ambitious” when no one saw the future he had in mind,
For them, yeah!For them!For them!For them FirstBorns I write.
They may never have had the best bungalows in town, but they helped the younger one build one,
They may never have become the best politicians,but they build a ground for their baby-Presidents,
They may never have become the best bankers,but the younger ones learnt how to be the best CEOs from them,
They may never have reached the summit, but then they taught the younger ones that where else can one go after reaching the top other than to descend.
This is for you,
Don’t you ever regret for the way you are,
Don’t you ever regret for dreaming big about your family,dreams are free,
Don’t you ever regret for being the gatekeeper at that church,except for your faith the family could have came crushing down,
Yeah! My Fellow First Borns,
This is for us,
We Made It First,
Feel appreciated!
You are the best bunch of guys I ever met.


Monday, 9 February 2015

Each One Of Us Has A Past

Why do you keep wetting your pillow with those tears? Is it really worthy crying for? And really, will crying change a thing? Butchering your dreams on alcohol and drugs? Is this really the life you were meant for? No. Not really. We are meant for a life greater than this nightmare.

They say you can run away, but you can never run away for ever. Each one of us have at least made a mistake in our past that we never wish to disclose to the world. We make things that the world can least expect us to do. But what really matters in this life isn't how big the mistake is, it is how big we leave the mistake. Winners who ever made it begun it all with a mistake. Talk of Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook (hacked the University systems and had to be expelled). Bill Gates, Winfrey oprah, the list is real long.

Our lives are more than that life of mistakes. Life of guilt, bitterness and pain, we are strong for this life is real short, we gotta grab it before it runs away.

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

The African Story

There are times I just wished I was born in any other continent apart from Africa. It was like doom! The continent where creativity is buried down the drain through some irrelevant curriculums. The continent where terrorism is just but the talk of the day in some countries. The continent where all diseases including a cold originated from. The continent where life is just a bloody walk in hell. Yeah! All these were my thoughts till that sad afternoon when I literally all that in one glance at statistics. China, So little yet its the scare of the world in technology... Do I have to mention all the names? No. You know Israel? Yeah! Le me stop at that. I wanna make this short to encourage someone out there to read it.

Africa is real blessed. From the very birth it was the blessed continent ever. Waterfalls, Wild life, oceans....Oooooh! Its just too much. Our world in Africa won't ever change till we are ready to change it. Africa. Arise for your sunshine has come. Life is a do it yourself project. Begin today... Wake to the great call of life. Wake to the great call of living. Arise Arise Africa. ReWrite your story. They told you you can't make choices for yourself, but tell you what, YES WE CAN.